If you didn't already know, surf therapy — "the use of surfing as a vehicle for delivering intentional, inclusive, population-specific, and evidenced-based therapeutic structures to promote psychological, physical, and psychosocial well-being" — is rapidly growing.
And because this form of therapy is helping so many people emotionally, mentally and physically, it's easy to see why.
Picture this: sitting in front of a therapist in a white-lit room or taking therapy to the beach and going for a surf. Yeah, I'd choose surfing too!
If you're new to this concept of surf therapy and want to learn more, or you're already a practitioner and you're looking to grow your surf therapy knowledge, there's a groundbreaking new program called the Blue Mind Curriculum.
The Blue Mind Curriculum is an 8-week course that walks you through how being in or near water can benefit your health. The material is pulled from from the late Dr. Wallace J Nichols' "Blue Mind" book and is co-authored by Stoked on Life Founder Allison Bishop.
We chatted with Allison to learn how the program began, what you can learn from it, and how you can sign up for it. If you're looking to learn more about surf therapy, this course is an absolute must. — Cash Lambert
ASM: What is the Blue Mind Curriculum?
Allison Bishop: The Blue Mind Course is an 8-week module course co-authored by Dr. Wallace J Nichols (author of Blue Mind), that is a practical application of how to live blue and apply blue mind theory for well-being.

You're in good hands with Allison Bishop, the co-author of the Blue Mind Curriculum. Photo courtesy Stoked on Life
The curriculum was written to be facilitated by counselors, mental health professionals, healers, and anyone who is in the mental health and wellness field.
The curriculum takes Nichols' 7 Ages of Water as a model for the curriculum and is a guide with themes that give the tools to confidently integrate the science and philosophy of Blue Mind into practice.
How did the Blue Mind Curriculum start?
I was working as a Therapist at Stoked on Life and using Blue Mind Theory in our work. I was communicating with Nichols about how we were intentionally using the Blue Mind Theory, and our clients were benefiting from this.
Our clients were able to utilize other therapeutic exercises by being near water (not going into the water when waves were not optimal).
I asked Nichols if he would be interested in co-authoring a curriculum based on his 7 Ages of Water. He agreed in 15 minutes!

The late Wallace J Nichols discussing his blue mind theory at a Stoked on Life event in South Florida. Photo courtesy Stoked on Life
We began to write this over the course of months. He visited our area in April, and we met for many hours to go over the curriculum. He was very focused on this being accessible to many bodies of water so that all can access and benefit from the therapeutic aspects of water.
We talked about combining therapeutic interventions that are used in a clinical setting and bringing these into the blue space.
We also created a non-clinical blue mind curriculum that is for schools, aquariums, and marine centers that focus on conservation and service.
What can you learn in the Blue Mind Curriculum?
The Blue Mind Curriculum is 8-week module: Connection, Play, Love, Balance, Resilience, Flow, Letting Go, Service.
Each module has a theme and takes you through a session, with the theme connected to water and well-being.
Therapeutic interventions such as meditations, and grounding exercises are mixed in throughout with the theme woven in from the beginning.
This is a practical application of how to use water in a therapeutic way and lead sessions with tools.
The Blue Mind Curriculum has an addendum with many meditations, grounding skills, and EMDR resource skills. These skills are helpful for emotional regulation, relieve anxiety, depression and PTSD.

Who is the Blue Mind Curriculum for?
This is for anyone who wants to learn how to apply the Blue Mind Theory. There are many ways that It can be applied.
Mental health providers, healers, coaches, and anyone who has an affinity for water as a healing modality will benefit from learning this curriculum.
When is it, and how can you sign up for it?
The Blue Mind Curriculum is a 6 week program from January 22 through February 26, 2025. BMC is Jan 22 - Feb 26; you can expect to take the course from 12-1:30pm EST online on Wednesdays and
12-1pm EST online on Fridays.
Tell us more about your surf therapy organization Stoked on Life in South Florida and how readers can get involved.
Stoked on Life runs aquatic therapy for mental health and addiction.
We offer 90 min groups for treatment centers, mental health facilities and recently first responders/veterans.
We have served over 2000 in our first year and our goal is to serve double in 2025. We provide aquatic therapy, which includes ocean/surf, paddleboard, pool, float and kayak.