Almost every surfer's greatest fear is a shark attack.
Although rare, any dark shadow in the ocean below your board will likely send a shiver down your spine.
However, sharks are beautiful creatures and surfers are technically intruding on their space. In Hawaiian culture Sharks or Mano are sacred creatures that deserve respect.
Kauai is no exception to this, the oldest Hawaiian island is home to a vast array of sharks and therefore shark attacks. Here’s what to know about sharks on Kauai.

How Many Shark Attacks Happen in Kauai?
Where there's an ocean with waves, there’s going to be surfers. Therefore there’s gonna be shark attacks too.
Kauai is no stranger to shark attacks.
According to the State of Hawaii Division of Aquatic Resources, there have been 24 shark attacks on both swimmers and surfers on Kauai since 1997. Most notably, Bethany Hamilton lost her left arm on the North Shore of Kauai at the surf spot Tunnels.
This incident inspired Hamilton’s book “Soul Surfer” and later a 2011 film adaptation starring AnnaSophia Robb. Another notable incident was with bodyboarder Mike Coots in 1997 where he lost the lower part of his right leg.
What Kind of Sharks Live/Migrate In Kauai?
Tiger Sharks
Tiger sharks are by far the most dangerous sharks swimming in Kauai waters. They are very dangerous and when spotted, surfers should take them seriously and paddle in. These sharks are most frequently spotted on the West side at spots like Pakala and Davidsons but there have been numerous incidents with them along all of Kauai’s coast. Tiger Sharks have a striping pattern along their bodies and can grow up to 18 feet long.
Reef Sharks
Several less dangerous reef sharks also inhabit Kauai, including the Gray Reef Shark and The Blacktip Reef Shark. These sharks are typically found in shallower waters and can usually be spotted from the coastline. These sharks pose less danger to surfers than the Tiger Shark. However, there have been several incidents on Kauai regarding requiem sharks, which includes the reef sharks. So although they may not be the biggest and fastest they still can be aggressive and should be taken seriously.
Hammerhead Sharks
A variety of Hammerhead sharks inhabit Kauai’s ocean. There haven’t been many recorded incidents with the hammerhead sharks but that doesn’t mean they shouldn't be taken seriously. They can be aggressive and have attacked humans before.
What Months are Sharks Most Active in Kauai?
Sharks are most active on Kauai in October through December. This is due to the Sharks mating patterns and during this time many sharks are migrating south from the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Many sharks are also giving birth to their pups during this time which also leads to a surplus in numbers.
How to Protect Yourself From a Shark Attack on Kauai
Sharks are curious creatures and extremely attuned to their environment. They have receptors on their snouts which make them aware of the electric fields that all living organisms give off around them, meaning they are aware of your presence even when you're not aware of them.
So it’s important to protect yourself from shark attacks. An easy way to do this is by not surfing alone, sharks are far more likely to attack when a surfer is alone in the water.
Another way is through new technology and ankle wrist monitors that emit a magnetic field that deters sharks. This however, hasn’t been proven to actually work so there’s no 100% guarantee against shark attacks. The best thing to do if you spot a shark is to simply paddle in and avoid surfing that spot alone again.
What To Do If You Witness a Shark Attack
If you witness a shark attack in the water, it’s important to help the victim calmly exit the water. Thrashing could indicate struggle prompting another attack from the animal. Once on land, call 911 and alert them of the situation. Then contact the nearest lifeguard and also alert them of the attack. If the victim is bleeding, apply pressure to the wound until first responders arrive to provide proper care.
Shark Attacks in Kauai: Conclusion
Kauai is a dangerous and untamed environment. Sharks are just one inhabitant of this environment and could pose a serious danger to surfers and swimmers alike. Sharks should be met with reverence by the surfer as we are trespassing on their environment.